• Lacto-fermented Cucumbers (Pickles)

    May Ly

    This was the first time I tried fermenting cucumber and I am so happy I did it. The cucumbers I found in Vietnam are a little different than the Lebanese or European cucumbers I was used to back in Australia. They have a tougher skin but are really sweet which…

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  • Lacto Fermented Carrot Sticks

    May Ly

    Lacto fermented carrot sticks are naturally preserved vegetables that are crunchy and sour like traditionally made pickles. Unlike commercially made pickles that rely on vinegar to create the sour taste and have very little nutrients, these fermented vegetables increase their nutritional value through the fermentation process without using any vinegar…

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  • Fermented Cabbage & Carrot (Pickled, Sauerkraut)

    May Ly

    This basic fermented Cabbage and Carrot with green apple and lime juice is a staple in our house. I add it to almost everything and try and include it at least twie a day. I use it as a side with our meals including savoury breakkies, mixed through our salads,…

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  • How to make Kombucha Tea – First Fermentation

    May Ly

    I have an addiction to Kombucha Tea. I started making Kombucha tea for my 5yo who is healing from alot of tummy issues afterΒ numerous courses of antibiotics and a recurrent c.diff infection (which has since cleared) and got hooked myself. It’s now my go to drink when I feel like…

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